Calls & Conferences

November 11-12, 2021 (Will be held Online)
2022 Society for the Study of Christian Ethics Conference
Dates: September 8 - 10, 2022 Theme: Bible and Christian Ethics Plenary Speakers: John Barclay, Musa Dube, David Horrell, Andrew Louth, and Katie Edwards Location: Westcott House, Cambridge
CFP: Catholicism, Challenges to Democracy, and the Legacy of Jacques Maritain
2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Jacques Maritain. Maritain was a key shaper of modern Catholic Social Teaching on politics, human rights, and democracy, and had a significant influence on Vatican II, Populorum Progressio and more.
The Journal of Moral Theology invites submissions of papers on the topic of “Catholicism, Challenges to Democracy, and the legacy of Jacques Maritain.” While we are particularly interested in papers that deal specifically with Maritain’s thought, other topics related to Catholicism and contemporary challenges to democracy are also welcome. For a full description of the CFP, click here.
The guest editors of the volume, Laurie Johnston and Grégoire Catta, welcome any questions regarding topics you are considering.
Submissions should conform to the standards and style of the Journal of Moral Theology and can be submitted here until January 1, 2023. All papers will be subject to peer review, with ample time for revision before publication. The issue is targeted for a 2023-24 release. More information on the Journal and previous issues can be found on the JMT website.
Call for Papers: Reenvisioning Christian Ethics
The purpose of this special issue of Religions is to reenvision Christian ethics by refracting our collective vision through the prisms of diverse academic and methodological perspectives in this vast field of inquiry, study, and practice. Religions is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal indexed by ATLA, Scopus, EBSCO, and others. Send abstract proposals to guest editor Darryl W. Stephens, [email protected]. Deadline for completed submissions is 15 December 2022.

Interventions, the blog for the Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice, Vanderbilt Divinity School, invites submissions for a blog orum that will run concurrently with the webinar series, “Reproductive & Economic Justice in a Post-Roe Landscape: Changing the Conversation in Christian Communities,” that will broadcast in the Fall of 2022. We invite ethical and theological reflections on reproductive justice, abortion rights, and economic justice. These essays should be 600-800 words and should strive to distill complex theological and theoretical ideas for a wide public readership. An abstract of 250 words should be submitted no later than Aug 1, 2022 here: