Working Groups

African and African-American Working Group

Shari Mackinson
Texas Christian University
[email protected]

Marvin E. Wickware, Jr. 
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
[email protected] 

The purpose of this working group is to support the work by current African and African American Christian ethicists and to create a systematic process for recruiting future Ph.D. students and for identifying and fostering development of African and African American Ph.D. students in ethics. In particular, the working group will: (1) support the professional development, research, and publications of African and African American ethicists, and convene concurrent sessions and focused interest group discussions at the Annual SCE meeting related to African and African American approaches to ethics. (2) The working group will seek ways to nurture, cultivate, mentor, and support African American Ph. D. students in ethics, towards the successful completion of their degrees and first job placement.

Asian and Asian-American Working Group

Peng Yin
Boston University
[email protected]

SueJeanne Koh
University of California, Irvine
[email protected]

The Asian and Asian American Working Group was formed in 2007 to promote the scholarly interests, professional development, and representation of Asian and Asian American ethicists in the SCE. We seek to do this by creating an open and inclusive environment for discussion about ethics, fostering collegial and mentoring relationships among its members, and contributing positively to three different "publics" -- various Asian/Asian Asian communities, the SCE, and the broader field of Christian ethics. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in the stated purposes of the Asian and Asian American Working Group. 

Disability Working Group

Lisa Powell
St. Ambrose University
[email protected] 

Kevin Lazarus
Emory University

[email protected]  

The Disability Working Group aims 1) to support the scholarship, professional development, and representation of disabled scholars and 2) to promote scholarly attention to questions of disability and access within the guild. In addition to sponsoring sessions related to disability ethics, we work towards the full access of people with disabilities within the SCE by dismantling barriers to participation at the Annual Meeting. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in the stated purposes of the Disability Working Group.

Latino(a) Working Group

Nicholas Hayes-Mota
[email protected]

Alberto La Rosa Rojas
Western Theological Seminary
[email protected]  

Members of the Latino/a Working Group engage in conversations about the past, present and future of Latino/a Christian ethics in the academy, the church, and society.  They address multiple approaches to identify the needs of Latino communities in each of those sectors along with the strategies necessary to meet them as scholars doing teología en conjunto.  With that spirit of service in mind, the Group seeks to facilitate a greater presence of Latinos and Latinas in the guild.

LGBTQI+ Working Group

Shatavia Wynn
Rhodes College
[email protected]
Brandy Daniels
University of Portland 
The LGBTQI+ community is one such emerging constituency that deserves enhanced visibility and opportunity for conversations in order to enliven the work of the SCE as a whole. The subfield of LGBTQI+ Christian ethics is growing rapidly. In the current sociopolitical, ecclesial, and academic landscapes, there is significant and increasing attention to, recognition of, and discrimination against the LGBTQI+ community.