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The award will recognize outstanding, sustained, and substantive contributions of the recipient that have advanced the field of Christian ethics, taking into consideration the following factors: the quality and quantity of the recipient’s publications, scholarship that defines the issues Christian ethicists must address, influence within the field of Christian ethics as manifested in the work of the recipient’s students, and influence of the recipient’s scholarship in promoting the importance and relevance of Christian ethics for audiences beyond the discipline itself and beyond the academy.
Procedural details (approved and amendable by action of the SCE board):
- In order to be eligible for the award a person should be or should have been a long time member of the Society of Christian Ethics.
- The recipient shall be determined by a selection committee consisting of the immediate outgoing President and the immediate outgoing three Board members. The President shall publicly solicit nominations from the membership at the annual meeting and in the mailing that calls for proposals. The selection committee will submit its chosen recipient to the Executive Committee at its spring meeting for approval.
- The selection will be announced at a brief ceremony just prior to the presidential address with the reading of a brief tribute honoring the recipient.
- The recipient will receive some appropriate object suitable for public display in her or his office or home.
- Recipient will also receive complimentary registration and SCE will arrange for transportation and lodging for recipient and a guest to attend the annual meeting.
- The SCE has created a fund for member donations to help provide financial support for the award.
Nominations are accepted from current members.
We have honored these members with the award:
- 2011: James Gustafson
- 2013: Beverly W. Harrison
- 2014: Daniel Maguire
- 2015: Peter Paris
- 2016: Margaret Farley
- 2017: Charles Curran
- 2018: John Raines
- 2019: Karen Lebacqz
- 2020: Donald W. Shriver Jr.
- 2021: Larry Rasmussen
- 2022: Stanley Hauerwas
- 2023: Lisa Cahill
- 2024: Preston Williams
- 2025: Robin Lovin