Lifetime Achievement Award Committee
The Lifetime Achievement Award Committee, consisting of the outgoing three Board members and Past President, will submit to the Board their recommendation to determine the recipient in any given year for the Lifetime Achievement Award. Newly instituted in 2010, this Award recognizes up to one member per Annual Meeting for creative, influential and lasting contributions to the field of Christian ethics.
The award will recognize outstanding, sustained, and substantive contributions of the recipient that have advanced the field of Christian ethics, taking into consideration the following factors: the quality and quantity of the recipient’s publications, scholarship that defines the issues Christian ethicists must address, influence within the field of Christian ethics as manifested in the work of the recipient’s students, and influence of the recipient’s scholarship in promoting the importance and relevance of Christian ethics for audiences beyond the discipline itself and beyond the academy.
Nominations should be submitted by mid-March, same date as all proposals are due.

D. Stephen Long Southern Methodist University Professor of Ethics
KC Choi
Princeton Theological Seminary
Professor of Asian American Theology
Nichole Flores
University of Virginia
Associate Professor
C. Melissa Snarr
Vanderbilt University E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Chair and Associate Professor of Ethics & Society