Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors and shall include four other members of the Society who are not members of the current Board of Directors but are present at the Annual Meeting at which their appointment is announced. The Nominating Committee shall present to the membership at the subsequent Annual Meeting nominations to fill expiring terms and vacancies. Nominations for any office may also be made from the floor, provided those making nominations have secured the person's consent to be nominated.

The Nominating Committee shall oversee the election at the annual meeting, shall be responsible for counting the ballots, shall keep the ballots for a period of one year, and shall certify the legitimacy of the election.

Nomination Committee for 2025 Election:


Karen Guth
College of the Holy Cross
Associate Professor of Religious Studies

Teresa Smallwood
United Lutheran Seminary
Associate Director Public Theology and Racial Justice Collaborative

Terrence Johnson
Harvard Divinity School
Professor of African American Religious Studies

Mary Jo Iozzio
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
Professor of Moral Theology
Luke Bretherton
Duke Divinity School
Robert E. Cushman Professor of Moral & Political Theology
Damien Domenack
Drew University