- Home
- About the SCE
- History
- Who We Are
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- Current Officers and Committees
- Official Documents
- By-Laws
- Charting the Future: Advisory Committee to President Yeager
- Commonly Used Forms
- Policies, Standards, and Procedures
- Report from the Task Force on Contingent Faculty
- Statement on Contingent Faculty Practices
- 21st Century Initiatives
- Scholarship and Family Care
- 2020 Future of Christian Ethics
- Statements
- Caucuses
- Interest Groups
- Working Groups
- Regional and Other Groups
- Annual Meetings
- The Journal of the SCE
- Global Initiatives
- Resources
- Membership
To encourage the formation of interest groups, the SCE guarantees an slot to each group which maintains a program from year to year. Interest groups must submit proposals each year, identifying a topic, relevant resources and the means of presentation. These proposals are not subject to the competitive evaluation by the Program Committee. Rather, all interest-group proposals are accepted, subject to the number of meeting rooms available.
Alternatively, an interest group might propose to meet during a concurrent session. Such a proposal would be judged competitively with all other proposals submitted.
After each annual meeting, the interest group should submit a brief report indicating what programming occurred, and what decisions, if any, were made about programming at the next annual meeting.
If an interest group decides to dissolve, notice of its imminent passing would be appreciated, so that room might be made in the next year’s program for another interest meeting.
If you are interested in forming an interest group, write a letter to the Program Committee and email it to [email protected]. Your letter should outline the purpose of the IG, provide a brief background, how it is different from other related groups already in existence, list the founding members and other members who have expressed support, and indicate who will be the one or two conveners of the group.
If you want your new interest group to have a slot at the next annual meeting, the due date for such a letter application is the proposal deadline.
Any questions? Please contact the office.